    ,最快更新傲慢与偏见最新章节!“I mustinstantlymy mother;”she cried.“I would notany account trifle with her affectionate solicitude;or allow herhearfrom anyoneis goofathe!Lizzy,to know that what I haverelate will give such pleasurealldear family!how shall I bearmuch happiness!”

    She then hastened awayher mother, who had purposely brokenthe card party,and was sittingstairs with Kitty.

    Elizabeth, who was leftherself, now smiledthe rapidity and ease with whichaffair was finally settled,that had given themmany previous monthssuspense and vexation.

    “And this,”said she,“is the endall his friend's anxious circumspection!of all his sister's falsehood and contrivance!the happiest,wisest,most reasonable end!”

    Iew minutes she was joinedBingley,whose conference with her father had been short andthe purpose.

    “whereyour sister?”saidhastily,asopened the door.

    “withmothe willdowna moment, I dare say.”

    He then shut the door,and,ingto her,claimed the good wishes and affection honestly and heartily expressed her delightthe prospectthei shook hands with great cordiality;and then,till her sister came down, she hadlistenallhadsayhis own happiness, andJane's perfections; andspitehis beinover,Elizabeth really believed all his expectationsfelicitybe rationally founded, because they had for basis the excellent understanding, and super-excellent dispositionJane, aneneral similarityfeeling and taste between her and himself.

    It waseveningno mon delightthem all; the satisfactionmiss Be's mind gavlowsuch sweet animationher face,made her look handsomer tha simpered and smiled,and hoped her turn wascould not give her consentspeak her approbationterms warm enoughsatisfy her feelingynothing else for halfhour;and when mr.Be joined themsupper,his voice and manner plainly showed how really happywas.

    Noord,however,passed his lipsallusionit,till their visitor took his leave for the night;butsoonhe was gone,he turnedhis daughter,and said:

    “Jane,I congratulat willa very happy woman.”

    Jane wenthim instantly,kissed him,and thanked him for his goodness.

    “You arood girl;”he replied,“and I have great pleasurethinking you willso happil nooubtyour doing very wel tempers areno mean are eachyouplying,that nothing will everresolved on;so easy,that every servant will cheat you;andgenerous,that you will always exceed your ine.”

    “I hope not so. Imprudencethoughtlessnessmoney matters wouldunpardonableme.”