    ,最快更新傲慢与偏见最新章节!“I have been thinkingover again,Elizabeth,”said her uncle,as they drove from the town;“and really,upon serious consideration, Imuch more inclined than I wasjudgeyour eldest sister doesth appearsmevery unlikely that any young man should form sucesign againsirl whobymeans unprotectedfriendless,and who was actually stayinghis colonel's family,that Istrongly inclinedhopehe expect that her friends would not step forward?Couldexpectbe noticed againthe regiment,after suchaffrontColonel Forster?His temptationnot adequatethe risk!”

    “do you really think so?”cried Elizabeth,brighteningfooment.

    “Uponword,”sai,“I beginbeyour uncle'really too greaiolationdecency, honour,and interest,for himbe  cannot thinkvery ilou yourself,Lizzy,so wholly give him up,asbelieve him capableit?”

    “Not,perhaps,of neglecting his own interest;butevery other neglect I can believe hi,indeed,it shouldso!But I dare not hope it.why should they notonScotlandthat had been the case?”

    “In the first place,”replied mr.Gardiner,“thereno absolute proof that they are not goo Scotland.”

    “oh!but their removing from the chaise intackney coachsucresumption!And,besides,no tracesthem werebe foundtheroad.”

    “well, then—supposing thembaythere, though for the purposeconcealment, formore exceptionanot likely that money shouldvery abundanteither side;andmight strike them that they couldmore economically, though less expeditiously, marriedLondon thanScotland.”

    “But why all this secrecy?why any feardetection?why must their marriageprivate?oh,no,no—thisno most particular friend,you seeJane's account,was persuadedhis never intendingmarr will never marroman without som cannot afford it.And what claims has Lydia—what attraction has she beyond youth,health,and good humour that could make him,for her sake,forego every chancebenefiting himselfmarrying well?to what restraint the apprehensionsdisgracethe corps might throwa dishonourable elopement with her,Inot ablejudge;for I know nothingthe effects that suctep mighto your other objection,Iafraidwill hardly hol hasbrothersstep forward; andmight imagine, fromfather's behaviour, from his indolence and the little attentionhas ever seemedgivewhat was going forwardhis family,thatwouldas little,and thinklittle about it,as any father could do,in sucatter.”

    “But can you think that Lydiaso losteverything but lovehimto consentlive with himany terms other than marriage?”

    “It does seem,andis most shocking indeed,”replied Elizabeth, with tearsher eyes,“thaister's sensedecency and virtuesucoint should admit o, really, I know not what t Inot doingshevery young;she has never been taughtthinkserious subjects;and for the last half-year,nay,fowelvemonth—she has been givento nothing but amusementhas been alloweddisposeher timethe most idle and frivolous manner,andadopt any opinions that camehe the—shire were first quarteredmeryton,nothing but love,flirtation,and officers have beenhe has been doing everythingher powerthinking and talkingthe subject,give greater—what shall I call it?susceptibilityher feelings;which are naturally livelall know that wickham has every charmperson and address that can captivatoman.”

    “But you see that Jane,”said her aunt,“does not thinkvery illwickhamto believe him capablethe attempt.”

    “of whom does Jane ever think ill?And whothere,whatever mighttheir former conduct, that she would think capablesuchattempt, tillwere proved against them? But Jane knows,wellI do, what wickham really is.we both know thathas been profligateevery sensethe word;thathas neither integrity nor honour;thatisfalse and deceitfulheinsinuating.”

    “Andyou really know all this?”crie,whose curiosityto the modeher intelligence was all alive.

    “Iindeed,”replied Elizabeth, colouring.“I told you, the other day,his infamous behaviourmr. darcy; and you yourself,when lastLongbourn,heardwhat mannerspokethe man who had behaved with such forbearance and liberality toward there are other circumstances which Inotliberty—whichis not worth whilerelate;but his lies about the whole Pemberley familywhatsaidmiss darcy I was thoroughly preparedseroud,reserved, disagreeablknewthe contrar must know that she wasamiable and unpretendingwe have found her.”

    “But does Lydia know nothingthis?can sheignorantwhat you and Jane seemwellunderstand?”