    ,最快更新傲慢与偏见最新章节!“I had not been longHertfordshire,before I saw,in mon with others,that Bingley preferred your elder sisterany other young womanthwas not till the eveningthe dance atherfield that I had any apprehensionhis feelineriou often seen himlov that ball,while I had the honourdancing with you,I was first made acquainted,by Sir william Lucas's accidental information, that Bingley's attentionsyour sister had given risea general expectationthei spokeita certain event,which the time alone coulhat moment I observedfriend's behaviour attentively; and I could then perceive that his partiality for misswas beyond what I had ever witnesseister I als look and manners were open, cheerful, and engagingever, but without any symptompeculiar regard, and I remained convinced from the evening's scrutiny,that though she received his attentions with pleasure, she did not invite themany participatioou have not been mistaken here,I must have beeuperior knowledgeyour sister must make the lattebe so,if I have been misledsuch errorinflict painher, your resentment has not bee I shall not scrupleassert, that the serenityyour sister's countenance and air was suchmight have given the most acute observeonviction that, however amiable her temper,her heart was not likelybe easil I was desirousbelieving her indifferentcertain—but I will venturesay thatinvestigation and decisions are not usually influencedmy hopeot believe herbe indifferent because I wished it; I believedon impartial conviction,as trulyI wishedi objectionsthe marriage were not merely those which I last night acknowledgedhave the utmost required forcepassionput aside,inown case;the wantconnection could notso greatevilmy friendto me.But there were other causesrepugnance;causes which,though still existing,and existingan equal degreeboth instances, I had myself endeavouredfet, because they were not immediately before me.These causes muststated, thoug situationyour mother's family, though objectionable, was nothingparisonthat total wantproprietyfrequently,so almost uniformly betrayedherself,your three younger sisters, and occasionally evenyou me.painsto offen amidst your concern for the defectsyour nearest relations, and your displeasurethis representationthem, letgive you consolationconsider that,to have conducted yourselvesasavoid any sharethe like censure,is praiseless generally bestowedyou and your elder sister, thanis honourablethe sense and dispositionly say farther that from what passed that evening,opinionall parties was confirmed, and every inducement heightened which could have ledbefore,preservefriend from what I esteemeost unhapp leftherfield for London,the day following,as you,Icertain,remember,with the designsoon returning.

    “The part which I actednowb sisters' uneasiness had been equally excited withown;our coincidencefeeling was soon discovered, and, alike sensible thattime wasbe lostdetaching their brother,we shortly resolvedjoining him directlccordingly went—and there I readily engagedthe officepointing outmy friend the certain evilssuch , and enforced the,however this remonstrance might have staggereddelayed his determination, Inot suppose thatwould ultimately have prevented the marriage,hadnot been secondedthe assurance that I hesitated notgiving,your sister' had before believed herreturn his affection with sincere,not with equa Bingley has great natural modesty, wittronger dependencemy judgement thanhi convince him,therefore,thathad deceived himself, wasvery difficul persuade him against returning into Hertfordshire, when that conviction had been given,was scarcely the work blame myself for having dohubut one partmy conductthe whole affairwhich Inot reflect with satisfaction;itthat I condescendedadopt the measuresartfarto conceal from him your sister's being imyself,it was knownmiss Bingley; but her brothereven yet  they might have met without ill consequenceperhaps probable;but his regard did not appearme enough extinguished for himsee her without som this concealment,this disguise was beneath me;itdone,however, andwas done forthis subject I have nothing moresay,no other apology t I have wounded your sister's feelings,it was unknowingly done and though the motives which governedmayyou very naturally appear insufficient,I have not yet learntcondemn them.

    “with respectthat other,more weighty accusation,of having injured mr.wickham, I can only refuteby laying before you the wholehis connection withathas particularly accusedIignorant;butthe truthwhat I shall relate,I can summon more than one witnessundoubted veracity.